Wednesday, July 22, 2009

goals and rewards

First off, thank you guys sooooo much for all your comments yesterday! I always appreciate all your comments so much, and I was so happy to have you all celebrating with me. Yay blog party!

I guess now that I’ve hit one of my short-term goals, it’s time to talk a little about goals and rewards, as per Amy’s challenge for the week.

But I have a confession: I don’t do the goals / rewards thing! Well, I set myself lots of goals, but my strategy is to give myself lots of ‘treats’ (or as HotchPotchery calls them, ‘prizes’) as I go, instead of a ‘reward’ at the end. To me, that’s more effective. When I hit a milestone, I’m usually so psyched, and on such a high, that it figure it’s better to actually keep all the ‘presents’ for those times that my motivation is lacking instead.

This is also a much more FUN method.

But let’s talk about goals briefly anyway:

My long-term goal does not involve a specific weight. (The truth is, I have no idea what I will look and feel like at any weight below 200 lbs. So I’m going to take my time and get to know the different weight ‘decades’ before I totally commit to a certain weight.) So I guess my goal is more that I can buy pants at any store. I suppose that would be a size 12-14, maximum. I would like to be at a place where I can truly consider myself fit and healthy. I also have it in my mind that I would like to someday run a half-marathon.

No specific rewards planned for those things. I buy myself new clothes every time I get to a new size, so I suppose I would buy even MORE clothes once I got to a size that I thought I might actually want to stay at. And regarding the marathon, I guess I’d choose to do it somewhere exciting, and the trip itself would be my reward.

Short term
Well, as we all know, I just hit one yesterday! Reaching 50 lbs lost has been a goal for awhile, and I was so excited to get there this week. My ‘reward’ was to get myself a subscription to Cooking Light, but in all honesty, I was kinda planning to do that anyway. I just waited until today so I wouldn’t have to feel guilty, since I could pass it off as ‘my reward’! Haha.

My next short-term goal is to get below 200 lbs. No specific reward for that, I’m pretty sure I’ll be bouncing off the ceilings though.

My other short-term goal is to complete the Couch To 5K. I actually do have a reward for this one, sort of. I really want one of those Nike+ running thingies (I love gadgets!) but it totally doesn’t make sense to buy one until, you know, I am actually doing some running. So I think it’s perfect to buy when / if I successfully complete the C25K.

So, no real rewards for most of these, but here are some of the various treats I have been known (or plan) to use for continued motivation:

- new workout clothes, esp. tanktops and socks
- New cookbooks
- Other books about food / fitness / health
- Magazines about food / fitness / health
- Workout DVDs
- New Scale
- At-home facials
- iPod arm band
- New yoga mat
- New gym bag
- New clothes at each new size
- Make-up and other fun products from Sephora
- New food processor or other kitchen gadgets
- Cute dishes or glassware