Friday, January 23, 2009

the experiment continues.

Halloo! I'm sure you've all been eagerly awaiting the results of my weigh-in, and last week's experiment to eat ALL my points each day, so here it is: I lost 1.6 lbs! I'm quite pleased with that.

It also puts me at 16 lbs total lost, which I feel GREAT about. The month got off to a slow start for me, and it seemed like every week, I thought I might make it past the 15lb mark, but I never did. FINALLY yesterday I got there, and now I'm creeping up on 20 and that feels really good.

I'm going to continue my 'experiment' again this week, because I don't believe one week is ever enough to really test anything like that. Our bodies don't exactly work on the same seven-day schedules as our weigh-ins do, so this second week should give me a pretty accurate idea of how my body does with more points. If all goes well, I may actually move into a new points range next week! (I'm only 1.6lbs away!)


In other news, I tried out Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred video yesterday, and, as many of you have written, "It totally kicked my ass." But in a good way. And to be honest, I actually kept up a LOT better than I was expecting. Three months ago I seriously would have gotten a work-out just getting up and down off the floor that much.