Friday, March 6, 2009

I did it! 10%

I did it! I reached my 10%!

I’m pretty psyched – that means I’ve lost 25lbs! Actually, I’ve lost 25.2, if you want to get technical. ;)

It was so nice to get to stand in front of the meeting room last night and talk about the things that have helped me: tracking, keeping healthy foods on hand, ditching the guilt. It was so nice to feel like my leader was really truly proud of me. It was so nice to text my mom and my best friend, and to know they’d be proud of me too. It was so nice to be proud of myself.

I had sort of been wanting to get a haircut for the last couple of months, but at the back of my mind I thought I’d wait and use the haircut as a reward for when I hit that 10%. But I caved a couple weeks ago (my hair has turned into a solid triangle), and made an appointment for this Friday. So it all worked out anyway – this can be my reward for hitting that goal. I looooovvvvee haircuts. My sweetie is going to meet me afterwards for a celebratory night out as well.

Don’t think I’m going to rest on my laurels though – everything is still on plan, as usual. My next goal is to get into the 220s – I’m hoping to do it in the next two weeks.

Keep on trucking!