Tuesday, March 10, 2009

knitting and walking. that's all I got.

Last night I took a sock-knitting class! It was really fun. I took a mitten-knitting class from the same woman, back in January, and I really liked it, so when I found out she was doing a sock class this month, I signed up right away. I knitted a teeny tiny baby sock last night, and next week we’ll learn how to scale it up to an adult-sized sock. I’m a decent knitter but I’ve always shied away from socks because they look so complicated. But I couldn’t believe how easy it was – I turned a heel! I knit a gusset! Woohoo! I also bought some beautiful self-striping (variegated) sock yarn that has white, grey, pinky-purple, and dark purple (almost navy). My socks are going to be sooooo nice. (Not to mention expensive -- $26 for one ball of yarn! Oy.)

Anyway, sorry, to those of you not so interested in knitting! On to more WW-type things. :)

After hitting my 10% last week, I kind of spent a little too much of the weekend slacking off. I mean, it’s okay. I stayed on track technically speaking but I did use allllll my flex points and didn’t really get any exercise in. I guess I just got a little too pleased with my own progress. Does that ever happen to you? After I got my haircut on Friday I ran into one of my old coworkers – he took a second to even recognize me, and then the first thing he said was, “My God, you’ve lost weight!” And Saturday I went to a dinner party at a friend’s place, and people I hadn’t seen in awhile were there and were also noticing my loss and being very complimentary about it. So I ate (and drank) too much that night I guess because I felt like I deserved it? Or because I could ‘get away with it’?

By Sunday night, though, I finally got sick of my own slothfulness. I loaded up a couple Jillian Michaels’ podcasts on my iPod and ended up taking a 3hr walk! It felt good although I was quite sore by the time I got home – I hadn’t really meant for it to be that long so I was just wearing my jeans and regular street sneakers, plus my long winter coat and heavy purse. But I was glad to have done it.