I’m sooooo excited! I finally managed to track down some GREEK YOGURT, and some Peanut Butter and Co. flavoured peanut butters! I’ve been searching for this stuff for months. Seriously, I look for this stuff at EVERY grocery store I go into, and even made special trips to a couple of the big organic grocery stores. I finally did some online research and it turned out you could get it at this little gourmet shop called Pusateri’s. The most hilarious thing? I walk past that place four times a week on my way to and from Boot Camp, but had never gone in because I thought they only did prepared foods.
ANYWAY! I picked up two little tubs of Chobani last night – one plain and one vanilla – and I got a jar of PB and Co “Dark Chocolate Dreams” peanut butter.
Well, let me just say, these guys were all worth the search!
I had the plain yogurt last night – 0 fat, 100 cals, and 18 grams of protein!

And it was seriously so thick and creamy, like eating that Liberte Mediterranean yogurt but without all the fat. I don’t know how they do it! I tried it in a savoury way – on top of potato broccoli pancakes, the same way I would use sour cream – and it was seriously perfect. Loved it! Then I tried it in a sweet way – with a scoop of my new chocolate peanut butter, a few slices of banana, and some raspberries, and it was so-so. Not the yogurt’s fault, it’s just truthfully I prefer to use plain yogurt with savoury things. I’m excited to pick up another container and make my mint garlic sauce/dressing thing.
The ‘dark chocolate dreams’ peanut butter?

TO DIE FOR. Like, maybe a bad idea that I bought it, actually, cause I see myself just going at with a spoon. They also had the maple flavour which I might pick up next week. Sadly, they didn’t have the white chocolate version, but for now I’m happy with my spoils.
Annnd for my Toronto peeps: if you’re interested, I got these at Pusateri’s, in Yorkville (corner of Bay and Yorkville).