Saturday, December 19, 2009

inspiration: the good and the bad.

Today I did something a little different – got my butt out of bed BEFORE 7am and headed to one of Ashley’s famous Weight Watcher meetings.

The reason? To see Kate make lifetime!!! Wooohooo! I am not a morning person AT ALL but it was totally worth it to get to see Kate hit this amazing milestone and to see the other TO bloggers. I also really enjoyed Ashley’s meeting.

And if that wasn’t enough inspiration, I came home to see this gem of a picture uploaded on everyone’s blogs:

People, I am seriously horrified. Are you as horrified as I am? Do you need to put down your beverage? Don’t worry, you can rest it on the giant shelf of my ass!

I know I’ve lost almost 75 lbs, and I know that it is true that I look (and more importantly FEEL) loads better than I used to. But I think I’ve gotten really complacent. I get so many compliments now, and everytime I tell people that I still have another 30 or so pounds to lose, they always react in shock, like “how could you want to lose more?!” So I think I’d started to believe that I didn’t need to lose anymore, that maybe I was at a weight that suited my frame. Looking at this picture makes me realize that in NO WAY is that true. Honestly, I feel as big in this picture as I did about 40 lbs ago. Bah.

So the road keeps going. This is no time to get complacent.