And this was me by 8pm:

Please ignore the mess in the background. And don't ask me why there is an orange juice carton on the floor. Feel free, however, to direct that question to Shaun. :)
Anyway, yesterday I promised that I'd work out this week -- and yesterday I DID work out. You know what? It was just time to just bite the bullet. I decided to tackle the Couch to 5K again, so I did Week 1, Day 1.
Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard. I mean, I didn't die. Progress! In fact, the above photo was snapped AFTER my work out -- I expected to have one of those red-faced sweaty post-workout pics, but nada. I recovered pretty quickly from this one. I think that's good though -- ease back in, and all that.
I plan to do my second run on Wednesday. Good times!
Oh yeah, one thing you may have noted from the above photos -- my hair is short! Yes, I chopped it all off a couple of months ago. So far I LOVE having short hair. So easy peasy!!

Self portrait outtake: