Wednesday, May 6, 2009

maybe it's the endorphins talking.

The boot camp I’m taking was scheduled to be held in a gymnasium for April, and outside in a park for May, so last night we were outdoors for the first time. It was amazing! I have to say, I’m definitely someone who prefers working out outdoors. Doing crunches and looking up at the sky was the best! Plus the gymnasium we’d been using was in the basement of a church, and was really poorly ventilated – it always smelled faintly like sewage! YUCK. Being out in the fresh air, with a cool breeze … ah, heaven.

AND THEN after class, one of the women in my class approached me and said, “Your body shape is changing RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES, it’s unbelievable! I just wanted to let you know, because I know sometimes it’s hard to see it in yourself, but really, you look amazing!”

It was the nicest thing ever. I sort of love her.

I felt really good in class last night. Maybe it was the fresh air, or the lack of sewage stench, but I felt really strong. My hip doesn’t seem to be bothering me anymore either, so I think I’m going to restart the Couch to 5K running plan. An amazing thing is happening, people: I think I actually ENJOY working out.