Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Clean Eating Challenge V2 – Day 2

In case you missed it, check out my earlier post on my favourite ways to get back on track. Yes, two posts in one day! What can I say, I got on a roll! :) )

Today’s food went pretty well. Lots of filling and good-feeling foods.

Breakfast was one egg / two egg whites with spinach and cheese, on an English muffin.


This picture cracks me up. Look at that giant puff of an egg! It was clearly too much egg for my delicate little muffin to handle. Hahaha!

Morning snack was 10 raw almonds.


Lunch was a super good salad. About a cup of spinach (the plan called for arugula but I’m not a huge fan), a chopped tomato, 1/2 cup of chick peas, and 3 oz. of tuna (one of those tiny cans). It was topped with green onion, basil, and balsamic vinegar. (I accidentally bought the tuna packed in oil so I didn’t add any additional oil to this salad.)

I had it with three Ryvita crackers.


Dessert was to be a 1/2 cup strawberries, but I had some blackberries to use up so I brought those instead. For some reason these pictures all turned out terribly. Sorry!


Afternoon snack was a cup of Kashi cereal with 1/2 cup of milk and some grapes. This worked out well because I had class after work so I needed something substantial.


I was still starving by the time I got home though, so I was glad I’d prepared most of tonight’s dinner beforehand. The main event was Peach And Walnut Barley Salad, a recipe from this month’s issue of Clean Eating. It had barley, peaches, walnuts, red peppers, feta and a citrusy dressing.


I was SO glad I made this last night because it took FOREVER. I was supposed to make tonight’s dinner with some broiled chicken, but I substituted tofu because I was too famished to cook, and yes, I eat tofu cold straight outta the package! I am WILD like that. :)  I steamed the brocolli and just threw everything in a bowl together. It was tasty but frankly I was so hungry pretty much anything probably would have tasted good.

Anyway, that’s all from me. Did you eat anything good today?

(What is the Clean Eating Challenge? Read more, or check out the last one!)